Messages from the Ancestors
This is a blog dedicated to sharing ancestral wisdom and insights that uplift and inspire. Each post delivers small yet powerful messages from the ancestors, offering guidance, hope, and reminders of our inner strength. Whether it's a fresh perspective on life’s challenges or a spark of encouragement for personal growth, these messages connect us to ancient wisdom and encourage us to live with intention, gratitude, and a joyful heart.
New Beginnings
As we prepare to turn the calendar to a new year, it’s a time not only to reflect on the past year but also to envision what you want to create in the year ahead. While many people set resolutions for what they hope to achieve, the Ancestors are encouraging you to go deeper.
When I was sitting in my morning meditation, the Ancestors brought the word inspiration to me. They encouraged me to reflect on what inspires me. As I sat with this, my mind turned to everyday sources of inspiration—my children, grandchildren, and even nature. But the Ancestors urged me to go deeper.
Embody Gratitude
Often, when we talk about gratitude, we think of it as something we give or receive. However, the ancestors speak of gratitude as something to embody. They teach that to truly experience gratitude, you must first embody it within yourself.
Awakening to Heart-Expanding Energies
There are heart-opening, heart-expanding energies flowing into the planet right now. Allow these energies to enter you, awakening and expanding your heart.