What is a Sangoma?
A Sangoma (shaman) is a traditional healer or medicine person of South Africa. You do not choose to become a Sangoma per se. A contract and agreement is made before coming into this lifetime to walk the path of a healer. In the physical world this agreement is seen as a calling. You are being called to do the work you agreed to do by spirit. For some people like myself, there was much resistance around this. Causing much fear and anxiety for me. For others they just know it is their path and they do the work without question. All my life lessons brought me to the point where I could finally say yes to that calling and begin my training as a Sangoma. Through the training process you learn to let go of the ego and allow your ancestors, which can consist of blood ancestors, guides, teachers and ascended masters, to guide you on your path. Trusting them fully to give you the information that you need to walk your path. Working through letting go of the ego and staying in a place of neutrality allows the Sangoma to assist others to walk their path. Each Sangoma has gifts that are unique to them and the people that seek them out will be guided to them according to their needs. One of the gifts I received through my Sangoma training was the ability to divine through reading of the bones.