What is a Bones Divination/Reading?

Connecting You to the Ancestral and Spirit Realms

A bones reading is a very accurate way of releasing the ego and going into the void, the place where we have to shut ourselves off from the self and open ourselves up to listen completely to our spiritual guides and the spiritual guides of the people we divine for. This creates an opening to hear from the ancestors and to channel what the issues are that need to be addressed and see them without filtering or control. Ancestors are a group of beings that include your blood relatives, ascended masters, guides, and teachers that come forward to assist you in this lifetime. The way each Sangoma divines will differ according to how they were trained. The bones are an integral part of the Sangoma and their path and training. The set of bones is individual to each Sangoma. They are made up of different items such as bones, seeds, shells, and other items that the Sangoma is guided to add to their set. When the bones are thrown out onto the mat in front of the Sangoma, they are a physical representation of the message that the Sangoma has channeled from your ancestors. They also provide the Sangoma with additional information and areas that the ancestors would like to emphasize.

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What type of information can you receive from bones reading?

  • What is blocking you from making a decision on an issue in your life?

  • Gain insight to your life’s path

  • Receive guidance on a particular challenge you might be experiencing in your life

  • No question is too little or too big, your ancestors want only your highest good to be revealed.

  • If you are not sure what to ask you can set the intention that the ancestors bring through the information that you need at this time in your life.

 The ancestors love you so much and are waiting for you to ask for their guidance.


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Session Types

Bones Reading sessions can be done in person, on Zoom or as a distant recorded session.

I am forever grateful for Kathy’s gifts. My Sangoma session illuminated so many issues I’ve been grappling with and my ancestors spoke through Kathy with love and clarity. Kathy welcomed me into her healing space with an open heart. Her willingness to stand in her power is an example for anyone who is seeking truth. This reading shifted me to the place I need to be in order to share my gifts with the world. Thank you Kathy, I’m listening and being. I’m evolving. -Julie A.

The Ancestral bone reading is such a unique experience and honor. I felt like it was an ancient sacred gathering, filled with so much wisdom, love and support from my Ancestors.

With Kathy’s compassionate guidance and my Ancestor’s wisdom and love I was able to face some stuck deep-seated fears, family patterns and repetitive cycles that need to change.  Our gathering also revealed some of the gifts that have been passed on to me and blessed with.    

Kathy shared some exercises that are so simple, yet so powerful, bringing in healing energy to me and my family tree.      

Linda C.

"Kathy's reading was incredibly accurate, and for me, actionable. Her calm, compassionate and confident demeanor - - as well as her willingness to delve deeper when I had a question -- made for a deeply meaningful experience." 

- Melanie